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  • Writer's pictureLehlohonolo Moreki


Picture: The Founder on Bontlebame NPO Kea Modise Moloto. (Photo:KeBontlebame)

Women’s access to political power and decision-making positions has increased since 1994. Provincial structures have been established to address gender issues within the provinces. For example, in 2000, there were 8 of 27 female Ministers and 8 out of 13 Deputy Ministers in the national government, 30% of the Members of Parliament and 24% of Members of Provincial Legislatures. This number has changed to over 24% of female representatives in national government. However, women are still under represented in the local government with just over 19% of women as local councilors. Statistics on employment rates show that there is a very large difference between women and men and between black and white women in the job markets. Black women continue to have poor access to paid employment and when they get access they, have lower incomes and less security than all men. White women remain largely dominant among employed women. These and many other challenges are faced by ordinary South African women and organisations such as Bontlebame exist to defeat these afflictions.

Bontlebame NPO in its statement addressing the celebration of Heritage month encouraged South Africans to partner with it against the everyday challenges faced South African women and girls. The organisation appealed with all South Africans to join it in conjoining “women’s rights, freedoms and growth with the celebration of the African and South African heritage”. Founded in 2010 and based in Pretoria, Bontlebame is a Non-Profit Organisation which launched with hosting the inaugural 1st Dinner against the abuse of Women and Children in 2010, it went to grow its reach largely through Facebook, the annual events against abuse of the vulnerable and the launch of its programs (Mothers events, Girls of Hope Workshops and the Bikers Ride Against the Abuse of the Women). The NPO’s platforms and initiatives “have been successful in driving positive, progressive, constructive, inspirational and meaningful messages against abuse and poverty and their related effects.”

The organisation is set to embark on an awareness campaign on its digital platforms in line with its mission to “curb abuse of the vulnerable, inspire disadvantaged women and children to aim for better” because it claims believes that it is only society that can change society. The digital campaign will run for five weeks from the second week of September 2017. The public is encouraged to make any form of donations to the organisation by going on the website. The NPO uses some of the fundraised to support other women oriented organisations and programs in the country according to the statement.

The statement by the organisation acquiesces that “Bontlebame understands women as central to the revolution, culture, religion, peace, growth, economy and other imperative elements of a successful society in the world”. The organisation is thus dedicated to the development of ordinary South African women and girls, the founder of the NPO submits that it “refuses to accept that which is ugly – rape, beatings, children going to bed without food, or having no access to education.” The organisation aims to reach and engage with the disadvantaged and disempowered women in the country, it acknowledges that “factors which influence the usage of technology may make it a challenge for the organisation to be effective in a widespread manner” however it will take any opportunity to make a contribution to the well-being of society positively contribute to society will make a difference.

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